Personalized Graveside Services: 12 Unique Ideas

To help families plan a meaningful graveside burial, cremation or scattering service we have compiled an array of ideas that will hopefully be of assistance. Urn/Casket Personalization: Using a personal item or keepsake, like a teapot, cookie jar or jewelry box as an urn is a great way to include personalization in the service.  Flowers: … Continue reading Personalized Graveside Services: 12 Unique Ideas

When to receive professional help?

When do i seek professional help? While the vast majority of people will pass through grief without needing professional help, you should seek treatment for serious or long-lasting symptoms of depression that interfere with daily life. Talk with your doctor or a mental health professional if you have suicidal thoughts or experience any of these … Continue reading When to receive professional help?

First year after loss is the toughest

The Grieving Has Begun Now that everyone has gone home and the house is again quit, the pain and grieving officially begins.  No one wishes this on anyone.  The process to settle into this new "normal" will take longer than expected.  All good things usually do. But there are things to keep in mind as … Continue reading First year after loss is the toughest